Welcome to

Get UnCorked

Get UnCorked offers a supportive community for women navigating life and love with a loved one battling alcohol addiction. Join our online support group to share stories, find understanding, and strengthen resilience together. Express yourself, find solace, and cultivate hope in a whimsical family that embraces quirks and kindness. Together, we can overcome challenges and create a masterpiece of strength and inspiration.

What we offer:

Get UnCorked offers a range of services to support individuals dealing with an alcoholic loved one, including a supportive community, story sharing, advice and guidance, online courses, tailored one-on-one coaching, education and resources, empowerment and healing exercises, online community events, retreats, and a book publication opportunity. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth, healing, and connection for women navigating life with an alcoholic.

Meet Kim

  • Kim Cross ~ Certified Life Coach