Why I do what I do….

My Mother- Karla Thompson, Murdered, Alcohol Related

A Best Girlfriend- Amanda Wood Leedy, Tragic Fall, Alcohol Related

My Cousin, Kelly Pietro, Brain Aneurysm, Alcohol Related

My Husband, Kenny Cross, In Recovery, Thank God!

Another Girlfriend- Bonita M. Marchionte, Drowning, Alcohol Related

My Brother- Jason Carruthers, Car Accident, Head on Collision, Alcohol Related

Another Girlfriend, Bonnie Marchionte, Drowing, Alcohol Related

Meet Kim Cross: “The UnCorked Woman”

Welcome to The UnCorked Woman, a nurturing space dedicated to transforming lives and empowering women as they navigate the intricate challenges of life, love, and loss—particularly when intertwined with the struggles of loving someone battling alcohol addiction. My journey to becoming a Certified Life Coach is profoundly personal, shaped by heartache and a steadfast hope for healing and helping others.

From a young age, I witnessed the destructive power of alcohol. My mother, who fought alcoholism, was tragically murdered when I was just thirteen. This loss ignited a lifelong quest to understand addiction and the resilience that can emerge from grief. The pain continued when my brother, grappling with depression and alcoholism, lost his life at 21 in a heartbreaking car accident. Each loss highlighted the devastating ripple effect of addiction on families.

Throughout my life, I observed the toll of alcohol on those around me. One dear friend succumbed to its effects after a long day of drinking, while another was found lifeless after battling similar demons. These experiences served as stark reminders of life’s fragility in the shadow of addiction. For a decade, both before and after my divorce, I struggled with alcoholism myself. With the unwavering support of my family, I emerged determined to live fully for my children and grandchildren and to make a positive impact in the lives of women facing similar challenges.

These trials deepened my understanding of addiction, love, and loss, fueling my passion to transform pain into purpose. I became a Certified Life Coach to support women on their journeys, creating a compassionate environment for those who feel overwhelmed or isolated. My mission is to empower women to reclaim their lives and discover their inner strength amidst chaos.

I am currently pursuing international accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), one of the most respected coaching associations globally. Additionally, I am writing my upcoming book, "The UnCorked Woman: Navigating Life, Love, and Loss with an Alcoholic Loved One," which will intertwine my story with the inspiring narratives of other women who have walked similar paths.

At The UnCorked Woman, I offer empathy, understanding, and practical tools to help you find clarity and healing. Together, we can transform your pain into empowerment, allowing you to embrace life authentically. You are not alone, and there is hope—let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

If you are encountering personal struggles and seek someone to talk to, vent to, or cry to - someone who comprehends and empathizes with the complexity of your situation - please do not hesitate to personally reach out to me. You can connect with me on any of the “UnCorked” social media platforms, or directly via email at kcross@theuncorkedwoman.com or text me @ 1 (309) 338-5858.

Your well-being and peace of mind are important, and I am here to support you. Remember, you are never alone on this journey.

Thank you for taking the time to see what I’m all about, and don’t forget to join the “women’s only” private facebook community! I look forward to meeting you!  Wishing you peace, love, light, and comforting hugs.

Warm regards,


Kim Cross,

Founder & Certified Life Coach


(309) 338-5858