Focus on YOUR happiness and well-being, regardless of whether your partner is currently sober or in recovery. YOU should not depend on their actions or choices. YOU have the ability to live a fulfilling life on your own terms.

Does any of this sound familiar?

o   You are completely drained by your partner’s addiction or problematic behavior.

o   You are feeling overwhelmed and baffled by the situation.

o   You have lost faith in yourself and your decision-making abilities.

o   You are constantly filled with anger and resentment.

o   You feel paralyzed by fear, causing you to question all your actions.

o   You are unsure of your identity and values.

o   You are lost and unsure of what steps to take next.

o   You feel like you are on a never-ending roller coaster of chaos and unpredictability in life.

o   You’re feeling the emotional, physical and financial toll of trying to keep everything together.

If you can relate to even just one of these, just know that you are not alone. I have been through the same challenges and come out on the other side.

The story of your life: looking back at your past, living in the present, and shaping your future.


You are uncertain about the next course of action and what you really need. The answer remains unknown to you and you are unsure about what would provide genuine assistance. The only certainty you have is that the current situation is unacceptable, and living like this is unsustainable. You have reached a point of frustration and exhaustion due to the impact of this problematic behavior on every aspect of your life.

What you’re doing hasn’t worked

It seems that the efforts you have made so far have not been successful. Despite all your attempts to address the situation and help your partner understand their problem, nothing has worked. In fact, it appears that things are only getting worse.

Radical Acceptance

Let go of false hope and unrealistic expectations. Embrace Radical Acceptance, finding peace in accepting what is and focusing on your own growth. Take control of your life and create your own path to happiness and fulfillment.

Everyone Benefits

When you receive the proper guidance and support you’ll start shifting your focus towards things you can control, such as your own well-being and reactions to their actions, everyone benefits. You improve your own mental health, are better equipped to support your partner, and pave the way for positive changes. By stepping off the chaotic rollercoaster, trusting yourself, and prioritizing your needs and desires, you create a sense of peace and calm that feels like home for everyone involved.